Colin Kolker
Email: Cokotattoos@gmail.com
IG: @Colintattoos
Phone: 720-851-2282
Colin has limited availability and typically is booked 3-4 months in advance. In order to book an appointment with Colin, you must read through and fill out his appointment form below. Feel free to email him directly with any other questions!
Colin charges $200/hr, and has a ONE HOUR MINIMUM. A non refundable deposit of $200 is required for all appointments and will be deducted from the cost of the FINAL session for your project.
Check out our tattoo removal page for any questions relating to removal!
Colin Kolker
Colin has been tattooing & piercing since 2004, and became a Certified Laser Removal Technician in 2015. He loves tattooing realism, color, portraits, nature, animal and anything with a story. His style is not defined - he truly does it all.
For fun, you'll find him camping, dad-ing really hard, wishing he was still jumping out of planes, building things out of wood, and sitting in a hot tub. Any tub, really.
Colin is in the shop:
Tuesday-Saturday 12-8
Depending on personal schedule, on occasion Colin is at the shop, or able to be at the shop at different times.